Clean, minimalist product photography for your Ceramics with one click

StudioLens offers creators the ability to capture professional, studio-quality images of their work, with nothing more than their smartphone camera

Bring attention to your art

Professional backgrounds highlight your work for your portfolio, galleries, magazines, marketplaces, and more

Professional product photography without the hassle

No more tacky cutouts. We create realistic product photography with precise shadows and depth of field using just your phone camera

Easy to use phone app

No more endless hours editing your photos - simply submit your images, and receive a notification when it's ready

What Creators are saying

“It has been super-easy, fast, efficient and gave a professional look to the photos I took at home”
Marjeta L
“StudioLens has been great for posting consistent product photos onto my Instagram”
Karen M
“The quality look of the photos enhances the art tremendously”
Simone D
“Great to not have need to set up a photo booth. The shadows are great!”
Rick P

The app is near complete - be added to the waiting list

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